
GPS Tracker - Updated to V02R01

Additions: 1. Select V. Exaggeration to 0 (default) to set the Vertical exaggeration to 0 when GPS Tracker is running. When the V. Exaggeration is 0 the GPS icons are displayed in the correct position, at ground level, as seen from any tilt angle. If V. Exaggeration is not selected then the selected V. Exaggeration will remain efective while GPS Tracker is running. When the V. Exaggeration is not 0 the GPS Icon and track is displayed at the GPS Icon altitud. The icon position is only correct when view straight from above at a 0 degree tilt. 2. Holding 'Right Alt' and clicking on a POI icon will cause all GPS icons to display the distance between the POI and the GPS icon and the bearing from the GPS icon to the selected POI. Modifications: 1. Speed up the rendering of the icons a little more. 2. Using a slider to select the file Playback Speed.

See the GPS Tracker add-on page for more details.