
OnMars add-on released

Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Observer Camera Narrow Angle (MOC_NA) composite. A 0.5 arc-second composite of more than 50,000 high resolution images of Mars, located between 75N and 75S. It is an uncontrolled mosaic, the images are placed on the global frame based on the best known location, using a simple warp. Location errors are common, but it does match MDIM and MOLA rather well. The mosaic contains more than 300GB of raw image data, and images are still being released, so this layer will be updated if possible.

See the OnMars add-on page for more details.

OnEarth add-on released

This add-on displays OnEarth Global Mosaic and daily MODIS imagery.

See the OnEarth add-on page for more details.


DYNAGIS Golden Pearl - License changed to CC

The "DYNAGIS Golden Pearl" adds new information and visualisations to NASA's World Wind, allowing it to function as an interactive 3D atlas. Data is grouped logically. A combined viewing of different data sets allows you to quickly and easily analyse and compare data for all countries.

See the DYNAGIS Golden Pearl add-on page for more details.