PASDA Imagery Add-On released
This Add-On ads high resolution imagery of Pennsylvania to World Wind.
See the PASDA Imagery add-on page for more details.
Labels: add-on, NASA, PASDA Imagery, Pennsylvania, world wind, worldwind
NASA World Wind Add-Ons
This Add-On ads high resolution imagery of Pennsylvania to World Wind.
See the PASDA Imagery add-on page for more details.
Labels: add-on, NASA, PASDA Imagery, Pennsylvania, world wind, worldwind
These add-ons depict the distributions of various elements on Mars and the Earth's Moon determined from gamma ray spectrometer measurements performed by the Mars Odyssey and Lunar Prospector missions.
See the Martian and Lunar Elemental Analyses add-on page for more details.
Labels: add-on, Martian and Lunar Elemental Analyses, NASA, world wind, worldwind
This Add-On shows the routes of the 2008 Tour de France.
See the Tour de France 2008 add-on page for more details.
Labels: add-on, NASA, Tour de France 2008, world wind, worldwind
This Plug-In allows World Wind to access Spot Vegetation NDVI images.
See the Spot Vegetation add-on page for more details.
Labels: add-on, NASA, NDVI, Spot Vegetation, world wind, worldwind
This Add-On shows the location of the Super volcanoes in World Wind.
See the Supervolcanoes add-on page for more details.
Labels: add-on, NASA, Supervolcanoes, world wind, worldwind
This add-on shows the rough layout and projects of the LHC with links to the project pages.
See the CERN Large Hadron Collider add-on page for more details.
Labels: add-on, CERN Large Hadron Collider, NASA, world wind, worldwind
This add-on combines high resolution (2-5 km) datasets released by three organizations, Global Forest Watch, Columbia University's Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center and University of California, Santa Barbara's National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, covering the same general topic with different approaches.
See the Wilderness/Human Impact add-on page for more details.
Labels: add-on, Forest Watch, NASA, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center, Wilderness/Human Impact, world wind, worldwind
Declines in worldwide markets between September 1st and October 15th 2008.
See the Global Market Declines, Oct. '08 add-on page for more details.
Labels: add-on, Global Market Declines, NASA, Oct. '08, world wind, worldwind
This Add-On shows OpenStreetMap imagery served by Telascience WMS. There are 2 OSM layers available, standard map and hybrid (transparent), there is also an OpenAerialMap layer with satellite and aerial photos.
See the OpenStreetMap add-on page for more details.
Labels: add-on, NASA, OAM, OpenAerialMap, OpenStreetMap, OSM, world wind, worldwind
This addon shows the gravitational anomaly of the Moon measured by Japan's Kaguya mission. It also includes the lunar geoid determined by NASA's Lunar Prospector mission.
See the Lunar Gravity add-on page for more details.
Labels: add-on, Kaguya, Lunar Gravity, NASA, world wind, worldwind
As reflected in the name the resolution has been improved from 3 arc minute to 2 arc minute and the altitude has been reduced from 5 km to 4 km above geoid. Additional grid and trackline data have been included, both over land and the oceans. Interpolation between sparse tracklines in the oceans was improved by directional gridding and extrapolation, based on an oceanic crustal age model . The longest wavelengths (larger than 330 km) were replaced with the latest CHAMP lithospheric field model MF6.
See the Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid (EMAG2) add-on page for more details.
Labels: Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid, EMAG2, GETECH, NASA, world wind, worldwind
Electoral maps of vote totals from the 2008 presidential election. The maps include by-state percentages and final Electoral College results. The data are analyzed as direct percentages and proportional representation. The number of Electoral College delegates, numeric percentages and state names can also be displayed.
See the US Presidential Election Results add-on page for more details.
Labels: add-on, NASA, Obama, US Presidential Election Results, world wind, worldwind
Updated to version 1.2, now includes over 200 castle locations.
See the castles add-on page for more details.
Labels: add-on, castles, NASA, world wind, worldwind
This version includes the newest surface maps for Saturn's moons, minor placename updates and vectors of Titan's winds.
See the Saturn add-on page for more details.
Labels: add-on, NASA, Saturn, world wind, worldwind